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Автор: ZoNdeR   Отправлено: 4.07.17 23:19
Ну, вроде 595 мм на М-ке это еще не забор... А вообще мне понравился их подход к рекомендациям по выбору размера:
The chart is a guide to frame size. Ultra Compact Geometry means that the frames are small and long, and our latest version of the BFe26 is a touch longer than previous versions. You can take this two ways. You can either have a regular position coupled with a small and chuckable frame, or you could go for the next size up and go long and racey without feeling like you're riding a gate. You lot are just too different to say for sure, so drop us a line at and we'll be happy to discuss set up based on what you're riding at the moment.


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